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February 2022

Susan Barton

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March 19




Many Strengths

We Wish Teachers Knew

A Different Brain Organization

Words Of Hope

Third Grade Warning Signs

I Love These Teachers


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Many Strengths


People with dyslexia have many strengths.

It is critical that your child knows that while dyslexia makes reading, writing, and spelling hard, it is also why they are so talented in other areas.

To find your child’s gifted areas, click here and watch Susan Barton’s 8-minute video chat.


We Wish Teachers Knew


Here are a few things kids with dyslexia wish everyone knew.


A Different Brain Organization


Maryanne Wolf is one of my heroes. She is a well-known and greatly respected dyslexia researcher.

For a list of methods that work for children and adults who have dyslexia, click here.


Words Of Hope


Children with dyslexia are NOT "doomed" to fail the reading portion of the end-of-third grade state standards test — not even if they have profound dyslexia, as this mom shares:

My daughter, Grace, is profoundly dyslexic.

At the beginning of this school year, her teacher warned me that Grace's reading scores were so low that they wanted to put her on an IEP — so that the school would not be forced to retain her when she failed the end-of-third-grade state standards test.

Instead, we started tutoring her after school using the Barton System, and Grace is now in Level 4.

Last week, her teacher shared that Grace scored at the Mastery level in reading on the state standards test.


Thank you for making it possible for parents to tutor their own children using the Barton System.

Cris Walston, parent
Vail, AZ



Third Grade Warning Signs


Third grade warning signs
by Susan Barton

Most schools do not yet test or screen for dyslexia. So parents should watch for these classic warning signs in third graders.

My son is a month into 3rd grade, and last year – somewhere in the middle of second grade, he hit a brick wall in reading.

He was always one or two levels behind his peers, and we worked very hard to stay that close to grade level. But in the middle of second grade, as other classmates reading took off, his just flattened out. He ended the year reading at level 18, and he was supposed to
be at 28.


So I spent the summer at the library with him, having him read aloud to me. I also had him write 6 or 7 sentences on everything he read, and I was struck by the following:

1. He does not always see the start, middle and end of a word – especially bigger words.

2. He misreads simple words, like those for these, them for they, and who for how -- and he substitutes words that mean the same thing at an alarming rate (like every other sentence).

3. He guesses at words by using pictures and a predictable story line.

4. He still confuses b and d.

5. Punctuation might as well not be on the page at all.

6. He reads very slowly, without any fluency or comprehension. It is all he can do to actually read the words and get them right, so he has no chance of understanding what he read. In fact, on his first reading comprehension test ever, he scored a 0.

7. After an entire summer of having him read aloud to me every day, and after an intense first month of school, (I mean reading so much at home that he does not have much time to do anything else), he is only reading at level 20. His peers are 32 and higher.

8. We studied for his first social studies test this past weekend. He had so much trouble memorizing the terms: region, culture, agriculture, climate, artifact, adaptation – that at first, I thought he was joking around. It was not until he began to cry that I realized how hard he was working.

I strongly suspect he has dyslexia.

I also suspect my husband has it. My husband does not read beyond a 3rd grade level, and this is forcing him to relive the h**l of his school years.

I feel so stupid for not researching this sooner and for trusting his teachers and the school.

I feel like I have failed my son.


Susan Barton replied:

No, you have not. You can change his entire future by taking action now.
If he gets the right type of tutoring after school, plus accommodations in the classroom and during homework, you will be amazed at the improvement in his skills – and self-esteem – by the end of this school year.

To share this, or to listen to it, click here.


I Love These Teachers


Susan Barton loves these teachers !!!!

As part of their training about dyslexia, the teachers at Greenbrook Elementary in New Jersey were shown Sophia's Fight Song.

They were so moved that they created this video in response — which shows their promises on how they will support students will dyslexia.

The principal sent it to Sophia's mom, who sent it to Susan Barton along with permission to share it from both of them.

Don't you wish ALL teachers "got it" and supported our students this way!!!

Be prepared to click on the Pause button frequently as you watch this – as some of the photos go by too fast.

By the way, if you have never watched Sophia's Fight Song, click here to watch it now.






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